
The Control blocks in Fig. 35 direct program flow or provide time-related functionality.


Fig. 35 The palette of KookaBlockly Control blocks

Each block is described in turn below.

On Start

The “on start” block is intended to contain other action blocks that will run first and only once when the KookaBlockly script starts.

On Start Block

Typically the blocks contained are for the initialisation of the display, variables, sensors, and actuators.

Scheduled Loop

This block is a loop that repeatedly runs the blocks nested inside at the time interval specified in the numeric box.

Timed Loop Block

The loop will continue forever at the defined period unless the program is externally stopped.

The time specification is a number in decimal seconds, for example: 1 is 1 second, and 0.001 is 1 millisecond.

Every Loop

This block runs the blocks nested inside in a repeated loop.

Every Loop Block

The loop will run forever unless externally stopped by exiting the script, or resetting the Kookaberry or removing power from the Kookaberry.

Another name for this block is the Repeat Forever loop.

Exit Program

This block directs the running program to exit.

Exit Program Block


This block causes the program to wait / pause for the specified time before continuing to the next block.

Timed Sleep Block

The number in the box specifies the duration of sleep in decimal seconds.

Time (s)

This block returns a value in whole seconds since the Kookaberry’s epoch time ( 00:00:00 on 1st January 2000).

Time Seconds Value Block

By subtracting successive values given by this block, the elapsed interval in seconds between the samples may be calculated which is useful for timing functions.


epoch time is the point from which time is measured. This point differs for different operating systems. For MicroPython on micro-computers, the epoch time is 2000-01-01 00:00:00.

epoch time should not be confused with the default time set on the Kookaberry’s internal Real Time Clock (RTC), which is 2015-01-01 00:00:00. Using KookaBlockly, however, the Kookaberry’s internal RTC will be synchronised with the time on the PC it is tethered to using its USB connection.

Time (ms)

This block returns a value in milliseconds since the Kookaberry’s epoch time (00:00:00 on 1st January 2000).

Time Miiliseconds Value Block

By subtracting successive values given by this block, the elapsed interval in milliseconds between the samples may be calculated which is useful for high-resolution timing functions.